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Robotics is a fun and engaging way to learn about the design, construction, operation and use of robots. They will gain a deep understanding of concepts such as sensors, actuators, control systems and algorithms.

2 week course
Introduction to Robotics

This introductory course will delve into the fascinating world of robotics. The first module will explore the definition of a robot, the history of robotics, and potential future developments in the field. The second module will focus on the systems that make up a robot, breaking down their anatomy and exploring the various applications of robotics in different industries. The course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview for beginners, with no prior knowledge of robotics required.

4 week course
Introduction to Microbits

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Microbits, starting with a detailed tutorial to familiarize you with the basics. The subsequent modules delve into practical application, guiding you through coding your first projects. You will learn to create an 'Exactly 11' game, a 'Higher or Lower' game, and even your very own 'Microbit Pet'. This course is perfect for beginners looking to understand and explore the world of Microbits and coding.

5 week course
Shining Bright: Explorations with LEDs

Dive into the vibrant world of LEDs in this illuminating course! Begin by mastering the basics of RGB, learning how to mix colors and control a Microbit RGB LED. Then, embark on a luminous learning journey as you explore various applications of LED technology. Create dazzling displays with Microbit LED strips, design a functional LED strip thermometer, and express your creativity by crafting unique LED flags. This hands-on course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to bring your LED projects to life, lighting up your imagination along the way.

3 week course
RoboTraffic Regulators

This course will guide you through the fascinating world of traffic regulation technology. Starting with an introduction to traffic lights, you'll learn their importance and functionality. Then, you'll get hands-on experience building your own traffic lights. The course also includes a module on Microbit traffic lights, offering a deep dive into this specific technology. You'll also explore pedestrian crossings and their design. Lastly, you'll engage in a fun and educational traffic light reaction game, applying all the knowledge you've gained. This course is perfect for those interested in robotics, technology, and traffic management.

5 week course
Adventures in Robotics: Mastering Vehicles

This course will guide you through the exciting world of robotics, with a focus on vehicles. You'll start by mastering the fundamentals of robot cars, including building your own move motor sensor car and learning how to measure its movements. The course will then progress to advanced robot car communications, where you'll experiment with moving your car in a straight line and controlling it with a tilt remote. This hands-on, interactive course is perfect for those with a passion for robotics and a desire to understand how robotic vehicles operate.

4 week course
Luminous Playgrounds: Advanced LED

This course dives into the world of LED technology, exploring its innovative and playful applications. In 'Illuminated Innovations', you'll learn how to create your own 'Shooting Stars' and understand the concept of 'LED Stacking'. You'll then move on to interactive projects, designing an 'LED Strip Clapper' and an 'LED Strip Precision Game'. This course is perfect for those with a basic understanding of LEDs who want to push their knowledge further, exploring the creative and technological possibilities of these luminous wonders.

6 week course
Building and Coding Autonomous Vehicles

This course provides a comprehensive exploration into the world of autonomous vehicles. Starting with 'Autodrive Dynamics', you'll gain an understanding of how self-driving cars operate, how to code a line-following car, and the importance of car communication and distance sensors in traffic management. In the 'Vehicle Attachments' module, you'll get hands-on experience in attaching and coding a move motor klaw and a robot car claw. This course is perfect for those interested in robotics, coding, and the future of transportation.

8 week course
Microbit Innovations: Advanced Applications

This advanced course delves into innovative applications of Microbit technology. The first module, 'Sensory Exploration and Measurements', explores the use of Microbit in creating a compass, thermometer, sound level meter, step counter, and finder. The second module, 'Game Development with Microbits', teaches students how to create engaging games like 'Bop It', 'Chase the Dot', and 'Reaction Timer'. The final module, 'Communication and Interactivity', focuses on using Microbit for radio messages. This course is perfect for those wanting to push the boundaries of what's possible with Microbit.

Life Skills You'll Gain

Ready to level up your life skills? Learning about Robotics is a great way to do it! Check out some of the abilities you'll develop as you become a pro.


Requires breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks, and then finding solutions to those tasks.

Critical thinking

Requires understanding the logic and structure of a program or robot, and being able to think critically about how to improve it.


Allows students to express their creativity by building their own programs, games, art and other digital projects.

Persistence and grit

Can be challenging, and learning it often requires a lot of trial and error which develops persistence and grit as they work through difficult problems.


Often done in teams, and students learn how to work effectively with others and communicate their ideas effectively.

Entrepreneurial skills

Can be used to develop and design websites, mobile applications, software and robots. This can be used to start a business venture or to create a startup.

Technical literacy

Can help students develop their understanding of technology and how it works, which can be useful in many areas of life.

STEM skills

Often requires a combination of science, technology, engineering and math, and students who take robotics courses may develop their STEM skills and knowledge.

Spatial awareness and dexterity

Helps students develop their spatial awareness and dexterity, as they work with small parts and machines.


Students learn to express ideas effectively, collaborate, and provide feedback to achieve successful outcomes.

Discover Your Dream Career

Wondering where your Robotics skills can take you? Check out these potential careers to discover your options.

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

They create computer programs that can think and make decisions like a human.

Robotics Engineer

They design and build robots, making sure they work properly and do what they're supposed to do.

Mechatronics Engineer

They work on both mechanical and electronic parts of robots, making sure they can move and function properly.

Control Systems Engineer

They design the software that controls robots, making sure they can follow instructions and make decisions.

Robotics Technician

They build and repair robots, making sure they are always working correctly.

Human-Robot Interaction Designer

They design the way people interact with robots, making sure it is safe and easy to use.

Robotics Researcher

They study how robots work and how they can be improved, helping to create new and better robots.

Develop Life Skills

Learning about Robotics can help students develop a variety of life skills, including:


Requires breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable tasks, and then finding solutions to those tasks.

Critical thinking

Requires understanding the logic and structure of a program or robot, and being able to think critically about how to improve it.


Allows students to express their creativity by building their own programs, games, art and other digital projects.

Persistence and grit

Can be challenging, and learning it often requires a lot of trial and error which develops persistence and grit as they work through difficult problems.


Often done in teams, and students learn how to work effectively with others and communicate their ideas effectively.

Entrepreneurial skills

Can be used to develop and design websites, mobile applications, software and robots. This can be used to start a business venture or to create a startup.

Technical literacy

Can help students develop their understanding of technology and how it works, which can be useful in many areas of life.

STEM skills

Often requires a combination of science, technology, engineering and math, and students who take robotics courses may develop their STEM skills and knowledge.

Spatial awareness and dexterity

Helps students develop their spatial awareness and dexterity, as they work with small parts and machines.


Students learn to express ideas effectively, collaborate, and provide feedback to achieve successful outcomes.

Pro Interview

Advice from Pros

We also include video interviews with leading Robotics professionals and experts, providing students with valuable insights and advice on the world of Robotics, as well as a glimpse into the diverse career opportunities available in this field.

Explore Future Career Paths

Learning about Robotics can put students on track for a rewarding career

Artificial Intelligence Engineer

They create computer programs that can think and make decisions like a human.

Robotics Engineer

They design and build robots, making sure they work properly and do what they're supposed to do.

Mechatronics Engineer

They work on both mechanical and electronic parts of robots, making sure they can move and function properly.

Control Systems Engineer

They design the software that controls robots, making sure they can follow instructions and make decisions.

Robotics Technician

They build and repair robots, making sure they are always working correctly.

Human-Robot Interaction Designer

They design the way people interact with robots, making sure it is safe and easy to use.

Robotics Researcher

They study how robots work and how they can be improved, helping to create new and better robots.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our online coding learning platform for schools provides a comprehensive and engaging curriculum that teaches students the fundamentals of coding and computer science. Our platform features interactive lessons, real-world projects, and personalized support to help students develop essential skills for the 21st century. By using our platform, schools can enhance their curriculum, prepare students for future careers, and promote digital literacy.

Our courses are tailored to the unique needs and abilities of students in different age groups. We offer curriculum for students between 6 - 18 years old.

This allows us to provide age-appropriate content and instruction that best supports students' learning and development.

No prior coding experience is required to use our platform. Our curriculum is designed to be accessible and engaging for beginners and advanced learners alike.

Our platform is web-based and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection. Teachers can create student accounts, assign lessons and projects, and monitor progress and performance. Students can complete lessons and projects at their own pace and receive feedback and support from their teacher or our online community of coding educators.

A digital skill pathway is a collection of courses within a particular field of study, such as robotics, that provides students with an introduction to the field and gradually expands their knowledge and skills in that area.

Our digital skills pathways provide comprehensive education and guidance to students throughout primary and secondary school, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in higher education and in their future careers.

Our platform is web-based and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection. We recommend using a modern web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari, for the best experience. No additional software or hardware is required to use our platform.

The number you enter for your school during registration depends on your school's country:

  • Ireland: Please enter your School Roll Number. This is a unique identifier for schools in Ireland.
  • Northern Ireland: Enter the School Reference Number (SRN). This is a unique number allocated to all schools in Northern Ireland by the Department of Education.
  • UK: Enter the School URN (Unique Reference Number). This is a unique number allocated to all schools in the UK.

Please ensure you input the correct number to ensure accurate identification and registration for your school.

If you are unsure of your school number please contact us and we'll be glad to help.

Explore more Digital Skills


Innovation, problem-solving and future-proofing



Automation, exploration and design thinking


Digital Art & Animation

Digital art, realities and animations


Artificial Intelligence

Intelligence, Automation, Predictive modeling


Cyber Security

Protect, Secure & Defend

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